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Selectmen's Minutes - January 10, 1995
         Joint Meeting of Selectmen & Finance Committee
                   Minutes - January 10, 1995

Present: Judith Murdoch, Joseph Frisoli, Chair; Charlie Flynn,
Peter Jones and Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk.  Finance: Robert
Sutter, Chair; Linda Wyman, Roger McGovern, Art Brasille,
Charlotte Vayo, James Deltufo.  

I. Opening: Chair Frisoli called the Joint Meeting to order at
7:35pm.  Selectmen were requested to sign the warrant and bills.

II. Prior Items Discussed:  (A) Memo re: Fire Budget: Sutter
noted FinCom had received a memo dated 12/8/94 from Fire Chief
and Executive Secretary regarding the adding of additional
personnel to fire department. Sutter showed Board the response to
be sent that indicated FinCom would appreciate seeing facts and
figures to support position.   (B) Town Clerk Office Hours:
FinCom requested to know how last week's vote was to be funded
through June 30, 1995.  Nugent noted that a cushion is always in
the clerical line and that a vacancy exists in the assessors'
department.  The addition of computers and modem should, in the
long run, be labor saving for the Town.

III. Topics this evening - A) How FinCom to handle FY96 Budgets
and B) Future Planning.  A: FinCom does not wish to enforce the
unenforceable and does not want to do the budgets of the
departments. They wish to receive the budgets from each
department, go over them as a Committee and make recommendations
to the Board of Selectmen, have discussions/questions with the
department heads and the Selectmen as needed and then have the
department heads redo (cut) their own budgets to conform to the
financial needs of the Town.  Wyman noted that FinCom needed
Selectmen to give marching orders based on Town needs.  It was
agreed that budgets should be based on needed expenses and
management techniques and not viewed as a "Wish List".   The new
budget sheets designed to conform to warrant design.  Aiming at
April 1st to have all budgets tied up for Town Meeting.

     Murdoch stated that departments should continue to have
ability to make their presentations.  Flynn noted that percentage
cuts would be impractical. Kuchinski believed this would be an
attempt to increase communication during the budget process and
would assist at Town Meeting time.  Jones asked for periodic
meetings with FinCom.  Frisoli noted need for FinCom input.
Board accepted his offer to attend FinCom meetings.

B: FinCom looking for agreement that the FinCom go out on a
mission to look at revenue producing sources and come back to
Selectmen with items for further discussion.  FinCom has no idea
what tactic will be taken at this time, but acknowledges that tax
sources have hit a plateau in Town.  No Town course would be
automatic from this research or discussion.

IV. Budgets: Sutter and Gomez reviewed A) Budget forecast Sheets
noting that the figures are a conservative approach.  There is a
need to put monies up front for Capital Improvements and to build
the Stabilization Account.  B) Monthly Budget Sheets: The major
departments were reviewed.  Again it was noted that Fire OT was a
problem and will be watched to see if funds from elsewhere in the
Fire budget will be needed to transfer.  C) Setting of elected
and appointed salaries: Selectmen will take a position in
Feb/March on several items.  Frisoli noted several departments
heads asking for high raises. Nugent to prepare a budget rational
for the Board with several scenarios possible in order to balance
the budget.  Nugent to check on the status of the monies town
approved for stipends to be placed in the Fire department for use
after the Town achieved status as an EMT-I Town.  Nugent to ask
the Chief to show his budget "as-is" with personnel.

V. Football Cheerleaders Request to use Town Hall Grounds: Janet
Duffy has sent a letter detailing the girls desire to attend a
national competition in Florida and their past fundraising
efforts. Motion 1/10/95.1: move to approve the Cheerleaders use
of the Town Hall grounds for Saturday 1/28/95 (or 1/29/95) for a
Mid-Winter Yard Sale.  Motion by Flynn with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 5-0.  This letter will be read again 1/17/95.

VI. 175th Committee: Kuchinski noted the Pancake Breakfast on
1/22/95 at the Legion and the Kick-off set for 2/22/95.
Secondly,  Motion 1/10/95.2: move to recognize the following
people as assisting with Committee efforts for the 175th
Activities:  Karen Downey (chair for the Ball), Warren Silvia
(American Legion), Gene Berry (Police Dept), Barbara Murphy son
Jarred,too!, John Dias (Our Lady Lake Church), Robert E. Smith
(Calvary Baptist), Ann Gredler (Parade), Georgia Clancy(School;
WHBPA), Deborah L. Mascuilli (Lions), Carol A. Connelly (C&J
Camera), Tina Darnell (ads-map project), Marie Conway, Helen
Casoli, Enid Winchester (ads-map project), Claire Riddell (ads-
map project), Karen Squires, Lou Russo, Kathy Dugan, Norma
Webster, Claire and John Seamans, Jesse McSweeney, W-H Business
Student Representative, Lila Coyle (Parade Committee Chair), and
possibly Tom Powers (Parade). Motion by Jones with second by
Murdoch. Motion carried 5-0.

VII. Set February Meetings: Motion 1/10/95.3: move to set
February 14, 21, and 28 at 7PM for meetings of the Board of
Selectmen.  Motion by Murdoch with second by Kuchinski. Motion
carried 5-0.  Nugent to check which date the warrant needs to
close.  Board may not meet on March 7th if warrant closing may be

X. Adjournment: Motion 1/10/95.4: move to adjourn.  Motion by
Murdoch, second by Flynn. Motion carried 5-0. Adjourned 9:45pm.